flagship publication in a tabloid supersize
Equipment Today provides independent, insightful content about equipment best practices − including selection, application and maintenance − and options to acquire and manage assets. We give the latest equipment offerings, technologies, and business advice to boost productivity and enhance profitability on the jobsite.
WHO WE REACH: highway/heavy construction and general building construction professionals interested in optimizing their ROI on construction equipment. More specifically, contractors in commercial and residential projects; contractors in electrical, demolition, mechanical and masonry/stonework; construction material producers and utility/power co-ops; and distributors and dealers of construction equipment, materials, and supplies.

Equipment Today
Audience by business & industry
Publisher's Data from July - December 2024
Highway and Heavy Construction Contractors
General Building Construction Contractors
Contractors Engaged in Highway/Heavy and General Building Construction
Distributors, Dealers of Construction Equipment, Materials, and Supplies
Other Contractors: Electrical, Demolition, Mechanical, Masonry/Stonework
Construction Material Producer and Utilities/Power Co-Op
Equipment Today
Audience % by Job Title
Publisher's Data from July - December 2024
Corporate Management - 65.5%
Operations Management - 19.3%
Project Management - 8.4%
Equip. Maint. Management - 2.6%
Foreman - 2.1%
Safety Management - 0.8%
Equip. Operator/Staff - 1.1%
Tech. & Software Management - 0.39%
Total Magazine Audience by Job Title: 70,009
Recognition Programs

The PACER (Pavement, Asphalt, Concrete, Equipment, Rental) award, managed my ForConstructionPros.com and its affiliate brands, Equipment Today; Asphalt Contractor; Rental; Concrete Contractor; and Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction, is the first award specific to the ForConstructionPros brand and the first industry executive-focused award for the Construction Network. All applicants must work in the heavy construction, asphalt, concrete, pavement maintenance and rental industries.

contractor's top 50 new products award
Hosted by Equipment Today and ForConstructionPros.com, this is a program that lets construction equipment owners and end users be the judges in selecting the award recipients. The winners are determined based on reader inquiries over a 12-month period, along with page views and inquiries on the website. Winners are announced in the September issue as well as ForConstructionPros.com.

As additional value added, ensure your company's equipment is included in the industry's only completely interactive specification guides custom built for construction equipment owners and end users.
Additionally, be the exclusive sponsor of one of our spec guides that relates to your area of work, including the tandem roller spec guide or paver spec guide. You'll get your logo on all marketing materials, and your ads surrounding the interactive component.